Anggi Tri Puspitasari, Prod. Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


This research was made for: (1) describes the manuscript inventory of fiber Kaanan Jati, (2) describes the manuscript descriptions fiber Kaanan Jati in Kempalan Serat Suluk code Pi. 10 (0125/PP/73), (3) create a standard text transliteration fiber Kaanan Jati, (4) make edits text using the standard edition of the text of fiber Kaanan Jati. Next, (5) made fibers text translation Kaanan Jati, and (6) discusses the noble teachings in the text of fiber Kaanan Jati.

This research uses philological research methods and research methods descriptive. Philological research methods used to study the text of the fiber Kaanan Jati written with Java script. Descriptive research method is used to illustrate the text of fiber Kaanan Jati objectively. Source of research data are: text stored in the fiber Kaanan Jati stored in bundles script Kempalan Serat Suluk Widyapustaka library collections of Pura Pakualaman Yogyakarta. Techniques to collect data in this study using the workings of philological research are inventory manuscripts, manuscript description, transliteration, edits and text translation. Data analysis using descriptive analysis techniques. Validity used is a semantic validity. Reliability used is reliability intraretter and interratter.

            This study discusses the results of five chapters. First, the state of fiber Kaanan Jati text is still good and the writing could still be read. Second, fiber Kaanan Jati transliterated text is replacing posts of Java script into the Latin alphabet. Transliterated text based fiber Kaanan Jati still use the old spelling system manuscript. Third, edits texts found 10 mistakes that kodrat, watek, kakiranging, ingkang, saderenging, kalampah, bilih, ngandhap, laku, wirya. Whereas all the errors in text editing apparatus entered into the criticism. Fourth, the translation of the text is a translation of the Java language into Indonesian. Based on the translation there are some words that can not be translated in Indonesian because the word is not found in the dictionary referenced by the researchers. Fifth, the results of the discussion of the text of fiber Kaanan Jati found three noble teachings, including teachings that human to God, human life, and human teachings to himself.


Keywords: Study Philology, Noble Teachings in the text of  Serat Kaanan Jati

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