Fitriya Indriyani, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research was aimed at describing the colloquial language which is appeared  in the lyrics of campursari song by Cak Diqin. The objectives of this research were to explain the colloquial unit, the characteristics of colloquial language, and the functions of colloquial language in the lyrics of campursari song by Cak Diqin. This particular research was categorized as descriptive research. The data in this research were in the forms of all speeches that exist in the song of campursari by Cak Diqin. The data were obtained by using listening and note taking techniques. The validity of the data were obtained by applying semantic validity and speech context. Meanwhile, the reliability was reliability stability. The result findings showed that there were four colloquial units which is appeared in the lyrics of campursari song by Cak Diqin namely, the colloquial unit of word, the colloquial unit of phrase, the colloquial unit of clause, and the colloquial unit of sentence. The characteristics of colloquial language in the song of campursari by cak diqin were four, namely speeches that contain idiom, the lingual unit which is uncomplete especially the shorthened words, rough languages words, and encouragement words. Colloquial as one variation of informal language used by the community. Language variation associated with colloquial function was studied using sociolinguistic science.  The functions of colloquial language in the lyrics of campursari song by cak diqin were five; emotive, conative, referential, poetic, and fatic functions.

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