Lanjar Nurcahyo, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The study was made with the aim to, (1) describe the text description of SSC, (2) make the transliteration of the SSC text, (3) make edits to the SSC text, (4) make the translation of the SSC text, and (5) describe the hell expert according to the existing Islamic religion in the SSC text. This study uses two methods, namely the method of philological research and descriptive research methods. Furthermore, the source of this research data is the script and the SSC text. The method of collecting data in this study uses philological research methods, namely by inventorying manuscripts, making script descriptions, transliterating, editing, translating text, and analyzing SSC text content. Data analysis using descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this study describe five chapters, the first is the script description and SSC text, it can be seen that the SSC script is still in good condition and the writing can still be read easily. second, make transliteration of SSC text, from Arabic Pegon to Latin script, matched with standard spelling. Then from that it produces spelling characteristics, spelling variations, and text peculiarities. Three, make text edits. The results of the edited text are described in the critics' apparatus and then produces nineteen edited words. However, the specificity of the text is also maintained, therefore the word that is considered as a characteristic of the text is not edited. Four, make translations of texts from Indonesian into Javanese. Words that are difficult to translate are then translated into translation notes and found eighteen words. Five, the contents of the SSC text contain a discussion of the inhabitants of hell based on the teachings of Islam because of the type of text Syiir. The inhabitants of hell have seven parts, according to the number of hells, namely 1) Hell of the Hawaiah of the hypocrites, 2) Hell of God, the one who associates partners with Allah 3) Hell of Saqar, the one who is a pagan book 4) Hell Ladha, the devil, the infidel and the person who can not resist the lust 5) Hell Hutamah, Gentile Jews 6) Hell Sangir, Gentile Christians, and 7) Hell Hell, the people of Muhammad committed a great sin. Besides that, there were also eleven classes of prospective hell-dwellers who were cursed by Allah when the end of the world.

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