Putri Panca Purnawati, Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jawa, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research is explain about the antonym in a Novel title of Nglari Woting Ati. There are three explanations which will be explained, such as: 1. The shape of Antonym, 2. The Type of Antonym, and 3. The Meaning of Antonym. This research is a descriptive research. The data resources take by Nglari Woting Ati's Novel. The data of the research are pairs of antonym. To collect the data in this research is used Reading and Writing Technic. To analyze the data in this research use descriptive methode. The data is analyzed wiht explain the shape, the type, and the meaning of antonym. For the validity, I use Semantik Validity. Then, for the realibity, I use stability reabilities.The result of the research is explain the shape of antonym in Nglari Woting Ati's Novel are divided into four parts, such as Word Antonym Shape, Phrase Antonym shape, Clause Antonym shape, and Sentence Antonym Shape.Then, for the type of antonym are divided into four, such as Binner Antonym Type, Gradual Antonym type, Terraced Antonym Type, and Special Antonym Type. Each shape of antonym is divided based on the type itself. Word antonym shape is divided into four part, are Binner Antonym Type, Gradual Antonym type,  Terraced Antonym Type, and Special antonym type. Phrase antonym shape is divided into four parts, such as Binner Antonym type, Gradual Antonym type, Terracaed Antonym type, and specila antonym type. Clause antonym is divided into two parts: Gradual Antonym Type and Special antonym type. Then, Sentence antonym is divided into one part, is Gradual Antonym Type.The meaning of antonym in this research is Grammatical Meaning, it is a meaning of pairs antonym based on Sentence Contex.

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