Denai Renanda, Prodi Pend Bahasa Jawa FBS UNY, Indonesia


This research has a purpose to explain code witching or change in using Language in Jokowi Movie. This research will find the type of code switching and functions of code switching in Jokowi Movie.This research is  employed descriptive qualitative approach.

The data were in the form of utterances spoken by the characters in Jokowimovie. The source of the data is Jokowi Movie. The researcher employedsome steps during the data collection: watching the movie,  identifying the utterance  and classifying the data. In analyzing the data , the researcher uses descriptive techniques in which the researcher explains the type and functions of code switching in Jokowi Movie. This research conducted trustworthiness to establish the validity. To gain the validity, the researcher uses triangulation theory. To check the reliability, the researcher uses dependability.

The result of this research shows types of and functions of code switching in Jokowi Movie. Types of code switching are internal code switching and external code switching. Types of internal code switching is divided into seven types which is code switching from Javanese language into Bahasa, Bahasa to Javanese language, krama language to Ngoko language  , ngoko language to Krama language,  Formal Bahasa to Informal Bahasa, Bahasa to Javanese Language to Bahasa, Javanese language into Bahasa to Javanese language into Bahasa. Meanwhile, types of external code switching in Jokowi movie are code switching from Bahasa to English. Functions of internal code switching is (a) to show something (b) to utter an ask (c) to imitate code of other person (d) to respect other people (e) to ask (f) to change the topic (g) to explain  (h) to gain intimation (i) to express the anger (j) to express dislike  and (k) to talk with another party. Meanwhile, the function of external code switching in Jokowi Movie is to ask.



Keywords  :Codeswitching, Jokowi Movie

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