Kegiatan Kearsipan Tata Usaha SMP Negeri se-Kecamatan Sleman

Yeyen Sukrilah,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan kearsipan tata usaha SMP negeri se-Kecamatan Sleman. Metode pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan adalah angket tertutup, pencermatan serta wawancara tidak terstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; (1) pelaksanaan sistem penerimaan arsip terdiri dari: (a) penerimaan 86,6%, (b) pengarahan 82,3%, (c) pencatatan 100%, (d) pendistribusian 100%, dan (e) pengendalian 100%. (2) pelaksanaan sistem penyimpanan yakni: pertama, sistem penyimpanan dan klasifikasi arsip dengan persentase pelaksanaan 100%, kedua, pemberkasan arsip dengan rata-rata persentase pelaksanaan 61,65, dengan rincian: (a) pemeriksaan 100% (b) penyortiran 27,78%, (c) penentuan indeks 100%, (d) penentuan kode 100%, (e) pembuatan label 22,2%, (f) pembuatan tunjuk silang 0%, dan (g) penempatan arsip 81,9%. (3) pelaksanaan sistem layanan arsip sebesar 59%, dengan rincian: (a) permintaan 50% dari keseluruhan komponen kegiatan, (b) pencarian arsip 100%, (c) pencatatan 100%, (d) pengambilan atau pengiriman 50%, (e) pengendalian 22,2%, (f) pengembalian 100%, dan (g) penyimpanan kembali 50%.
Kata kunci: kegiatan, pelaksanaan, persentase.
The purpose of this research is to describe the activities of archival general administrative of Junior High Schools in Sleman sub district. The data collected method used is closed question form, observation and non structural interviews. The result of this research shows that (1) the implementation of the system of acceptance consists of (a) acceptance 86,6%, (b) orientation 82,3%, (c) quotation 100%, (d) distribution 100%, and (e) control 100%. (2) implementation of storage systems are: firstly, storage system and classification of archives with the percentage of implementation of 100%, secondly, archive documents with the average execution percentage 61,65% with details : (a)examination 100%, (b)sorting 27,78%, (c) determination of index 100%, (d) determination of code 100%, (e) manufacturing labels 22,29%, (f) making of cross-reference 0%, and (g) the placement of the archive 81,9%. (3) Execution by 59% archive service system, with details: (a) request for 50% of the total component of the activity, (b) search the archive 100%, (c) recording 100%, (d) delivery or retrieval 50%, (e) control 22,2%, (f) retrieval 100%, and (g) resave 50%.
Key word: activities,implementation, percentage.

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