Ibnu Purwanto Nugroho,


Pemahaman konsep pertolongan pertama penting diketahui dari analisis hasil
pengetahuan elit atlet olahraga. Metode RICE sebagai salah satu metode terhadap
penanganan dini cedera, penting untuk dipahami oleh elit atlet olahraga khususnya
olahraga futsal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan pemain
UKM Futsal UNY tentang penanganan dini cedera dengan metode RICE. Penelitian ini
merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian
ini adalah seluruh pemain futsal di UKM Futsal UNY yang berjumlah 18 atlet. Instrumen
menggunakan angket, dengan terlebih dahulu melui proses uji coba terhadap angket di
Universitas Islam Indonesia sejumlah 13 atlet futsal didapat nilai reliabilitas 0.879 disertai
7 butir pernyataan yang gugur. Untuk menganalisis data secara kualitatif, dimana hasil nilai
tes pengetahuan kemudian dimasukkan dalam 5 kategori dideskripsikan sesuai kriterianya.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pembahasan, dan dalam batas-batas penelitian ini, dapat
ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Pengetahuan Atlet tentang penanganan cedera olahraga dengan
metode RICE yaitu sebanyak 6 atlet (24%) kategori Baik Sekali, 18 atlet (72%) kategori
Baik, 1 atlet (4%).
Kata kunci : tingkat pengetahuan, penanganan dini cedera dengan metode rice
Understanding the concept of first aid was important to know from the result
analysis of the knowledge of elite sport athletes. The RICE method as one of the methods
against the early treatment of injury and it was important to be understood by elite sport
athletes especially futsal sport. This research aims to known the level of knowledge of the
players in The Student Activity Unit of Futsal in Yogyakarta State University about early
treatment injury with RICE method. This research was a descriptive research with
qualitative research type. The sample in this research were all futsal's players in The
Student Activity Unit of Futsal in Yogyakarta State University which amount to 18 athletes.
The instrument of this research used questionnaire which beforehand through trial process
at The Islamic University of Indonesia which amount to 13 futsal's athletes and obtained
reliability value 0.879 accompanied by 7 points of falls statement. To analyzed the data
qualitatively where the value of the test of knowledge and then included in 5 categories and
described according to its criteria. Based on the result of the study, discussion, and
limitation of this study, it can be concluded that Athlete's Knowledge about treatment of
sport injury with RICE method was as much as 6 athletes (24%) Very Good category, 18
athletes (72%) Good category, 1 athlete (4%).
Keywords: level of knowledge, early treatment injury with RICE method

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