Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti di Klinik Terapi FIK UNY selama bulan Maret 2016, pasien lakilaki klinik terapi FIK UNY yang mengalami cedera bahu sebanyak 23% dari keseluruhan pasien yang datang. Dari
sekian pasien cedera bahu yang datang, ada 28 pasien yang datang lagi pada bulan yang sama dan cedera yang
sama karena cedera yang mereka alami kambuh. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini dilakukan
dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tentang pengaruh latihan Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) pasca
cedera bahu terhadap perbaikan ROM sendi bahu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra eksperimen dengan
desain satu kelompok dengan tes awal dan tes akhir (the one-group pretest-posttest design). Latihan PNF diberikan
selama dua minggu dan setiap satu minggu latihan dilberikan sebanyak tiga kali. Populasi dalam penelitian ini
adalah pasien laki-laki klinik terapi FIK UNY yang mengalami cedera bahu berulang pada bulan maret 2016
sebanyak 28 orang, dan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 15 orang. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan
teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil
penelitian diperoleh bahwa enam kali perlakuan latihan PNF dapat berpengaruh meningkatkan ROM sendi bahu
baik untuk gerakan fleksi, ekstensi, abduksi, maupun adduksi (p<0,05). Hasil uji t menunjukkan peningkatan ROM
sendi bahu fleksi sebesar 29,47, ekstensi 9,93, abduksi 22,93, dan adduksi 11,6.
Kata kunci: Latihan PNF, cedera bahu, Range of Motion
From observations that reseacher did in Therapy Clinic of FIK UNY during the month of March 2016, a
male patient therapy clinic of FIK UNY who suffered a shoulder injury as much as 23% of all patients who come.
Of the patients who come to a shoulder injury, 28 patients came again in the same month and the same injury
because of injuries they experienced a relapse. Based on these problems, this research was conducted to find out
about the effects of exercise Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) after a shoulder injury to repair the
shoulder joint ROM. This research is a pre-experiment with the design of a group with the pre- test and post- test
(the one-group pretest-posttest design). PNF exercises are given for two weeks and the exercises were given three
times in every week. The population in this study were male patient therapy clinic of FIK UNY who experiencing
recurring shoulder injury in March 2016 there are 28 people, and the number of samples taken as many as 15
people. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by using t test analysis
with a significance level of 5%. The result showed that six times the treatment of PNF exercises can affect the
shoulder joint ROM good boost for flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction (p <0.05). T test results showed an
increase in shoulder joint flexion ROM at 29.47⁰, extensions 9.93⁰, abduction 22.93⁰, and adduction 11.6⁰.
Keywords: PNF excercise, shoulder injury, Range of Motion
Dari pengamatan yang dilakukan peneliti di Klinik Terapi FIK UNY selama bulan Maret 2016, pasien lakilaki klinik terapi FIK UNY yang mengalami cedera bahu sebanyak 23% dari keseluruhan pasien yang datang. Dari
sekian pasien cedera bahu yang datang, ada 28 pasien yang datang lagi pada bulan yang sama dan cedera yang
sama karena cedera yang mereka alami kambuh. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini dilakukan
dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui tentang pengaruh latihan Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) pasca
cedera bahu terhadap perbaikan ROM sendi bahu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra eksperimen dengan
desain satu kelompok dengan tes awal dan tes akhir (the one-group pretest-posttest design). Latihan PNF diberikan
selama dua minggu dan setiap satu minggu latihan dilberikan sebanyak tiga kali. Populasi dalam penelitian ini
adalah pasien laki-laki klinik terapi FIK UNY yang mengalami cedera bahu berulang pada bulan maret 2016
sebanyak 28 orang, dan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 15 orang. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan
teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis uji t dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil
penelitian diperoleh bahwa enam kali perlakuan latihan PNF dapat berpengaruh meningkatkan ROM sendi bahu
baik untuk gerakan fleksi, ekstensi, abduksi, maupun adduksi (p<0,05). Hasil uji t menunjukkan peningkatan ROM
sendi bahu fleksi sebesar 29,47, ekstensi 9,93, abduksi 22,93, dan adduksi 11,6.
Kata kunci: Latihan PNF, cedera bahu, Range of Motion
From observations that reseacher did in Therapy Clinic of FIK UNY during the month of March 2016, a
male patient therapy clinic of FIK UNY who suffered a shoulder injury as much as 23% of all patients who come.
Of the patients who come to a shoulder injury, 28 patients came again in the same month and the same injury
because of injuries they experienced a relapse. Based on these problems, this research was conducted to find out
about the effects of exercise Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) after a shoulder injury to repair the
shoulder joint ROM. This research is a pre-experiment with the design of a group with the pre- test and post- test
(the one-group pretest-posttest design). PNF exercises are given for two weeks and the exercises were given three
times in every week. The population in this study were male patient therapy clinic of FIK UNY who experiencing
recurring shoulder injury in March 2016 there are 28 people, and the number of samples taken as many as 15
people. Samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by using t test analysis
with a significance level of 5%. The result showed that six times the treatment of PNF exercises can affect the
shoulder joint ROM good boost for flexion, extension, abduction, and adduction (p <0.05). T test results showed an
increase in shoulder joint flexion ROM at 29.47⁰, extensions 9.93⁰, abduction 22.93⁰, and adduction 11.6⁰.
Keywords: PNF excercise, shoulder injury, Range of Motion
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