Mira Hayu Nindyowati,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa tinggi tingkat kecemasan atlet
aeromodelling kelas free flight setelah mengalami cedera bahu menjelang pertandingan di IST
AKPRIND Flying Contest (IFC) Tahun 2016. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan teknik
pengambilan data menggunakan angket. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet aeromodelling
yang mengikuti IST AKPRIND Flying Contest (IFC) Tahun 2016 dan sampel diambil secara
purposive sampling, berjumlah 33 atlet. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket. Teknik analisis
data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan atlet aeromodelling
kelas free flight setelah mengalami cedera bahu menjelang pertandingan di IST AKPRIND Flying
Contest (IFC) tahun 2016 berada pada kategori “rendah” sebesar 30,30% (10 atlet), “tinggi” sebesar
27,27% (9 atlet), “sedang” sebesar 24,24% (8 atlet), “sangat rendah” sebesar 9,09% (3 atlet), dan
“sangat tinggi” sebesar 9,09% (1 atlet). Sedangkan hasil penelitian tingkat kecemasan untuk tiap
faktor adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Faktor kognitif: kategori “tinggi” sebesar 39,39% (13 atlet),
“rendah” sebesar 30,30% (10 atlet), “sedang” sebesar 21,21% (7 atlet), “sangat rendah” sebesar
9,09% (3 atlet). (2) Faktor somatik: kategori “rendah” sebesar 39,39% (13 atlet), “sedang” sebesar
33,33% (11 atlet), “tinggi” sebesar 21,21% (7 atlet), sangat tinggi” sebesar 9,09% (3 atlet). Simpulan
dari hasil data penelitian ini rata-rata tingkat kecemasan pada kategori “sedang”.
Kata Kunci: kecemasan, atlet aeromodelling kelas free flight, setelah cedera bahu
This research had an intention to find out how high the level of anxiety of the aeromodelling
athletes in the free flight class after suffering a shoulder injury right before the match at 2016 IST
AKPRIND Flying Contest (IFC). The research method was using survey with the data collection
technique was using a questionnaire. The research population was the aeromodelling athletes who
joined 2016 IST AKPRIND Flying Contest (IFC) and the sample was taken by purposive sampling,
were 33 athletes met the requirements. The research instrument was a questionnaire. The data were
analyzed by using descriptive quantitative analysis as outlined in percentage form. Based on the
results of the study, it could be concluded that the level of anxiety of the aeromodelling athletes in the
free flight class after suffering a shoulder injury right before the competition at 2016 IST AKPRIND
Flying Contest (IFC) was in various categories as follows: in the category of "low" was at 30.30% (10
athletes), in the category of "high" was at 27.27% (9 athletes), in the category of "medium" at 24.24%
(8 athletes), in the category of "very low" at 9.09% (3 athletes), and in the category of "very high" at
9.09% (1 athlete). While the research results for the level of anxiety for several factors were as
follows: (1) Cognitive factors: in the category of "high" it was at 39.39% (13 athletes), in the category
of "low" it was at 30.30% (10 athletes), in the category of "medium" it was at 21.21% (7 athletes), in
the category of "very low" it was at 9.09% (3 athletes). (2) Somatic factors: in the category of "low" it
was 39.39% (13 athletes), in the category of "medium" it was at 33.33% (11 athletes), in the category
of "high" it was at 21.21% (7 athletes), in the category of “very high" it was at 9.09% (3 athletes). The
conclusions from the results of research data showed that the average level of anxiety was in the
category of "medium".
Keywords: anxiety, aeromodelling athletes in the free flight class, after suffering a shoulder injury

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