Imas Gustinawati,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ukuran-ukuran antropometri pada atlet anak tunagrahita
ringan cabang olahraga sepakbola di SLB Negeri Pembina Yogyakarta dan mengetahui perbedaan
ukuran-ukuran antropometri pada atlet anak tunagrahita ringan cabang olahraga sepakbola di SLB Negeri
Pembina Yogyakarta dengan atlet sepakbola pada umumnya dan anak tunagrahita non atlet.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan dirancang dengan desain observasional.
Subjek penelitian adalah atlet anak tunagrahita ringan cabang olahraga sepakbola sebanyak 10 atlet, serta
anak tunagrahita ringan non atlet sebanyak 10 anak di SLB N Pembina Yogyakarta dan atlet sepakbola
normal sebanyak 20 atlet dari UKM Sepabola UNY dan Sekolah Sepakbola Matra Sleman sebagai
pembanding dengan rentang umur 16-20 tahun. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode
survei dengan teknik pengukuran. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan uji
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: telah didapatkan ukuran-ukuran antropometri atlet tunagrahita
ringan. Didapatkan pula hasil perbedaan ukuran antropometri atlet tunagrahita ringan dengan atlet sepakbola
normal, panjang tungkai atlet normal cabang olahraga sepakbola (lebih panjang) dari atlet tunagrahita ringan dan
panjang lengan pada atlet tunagrahita ringan (lebih rendah) dari atlet normal cabang olahraga sepakbola karena
mempunyai nilai signifikasi (p<0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada ukuran-ukuran antropometri
pada atlet anak tunagrahita ringan cabang olahraga sepakbola di SLB Negeri Pembina Yogyakarta dengan anak
tunagrahita non atlet karena didapatkan nilai signifikasi (p > 0,05).
Kata Kunci: Ukuran Antropometri, Atlet, Tunagrahita Ringan, Sepakbola
The aim of the research is to describe the anthropometric measurements of the football mild
intellectual disabilities children athletes in SLB Negeri Pembina Yogyakarta and find out the differences
on the anthropometric measurements of the football mild intellectual disabilities children athlete in SLB
Negeri Pembina Yogyakarta with the normal football athlete in general and the non-athlete mild
intellectual disabilities.
This research was a descriptive quantitative study and designed with the observational design.
The subjects were the football mild intellectual disabilities children athletes for about 10 athletes, as well
as the non-athlete disabled children for about 10 children at SLB N Pembina Yogyakarta and the normal
football athletes for about 20 athletes from UNY’s football club and Matra Football School Sleman as a
comparison with the range of age 16 -20 years old. The instruments in this research were using survey
method and measurement techniques. The data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis with
comparative test.
The results of this study indicate that: there has been obtained the anthropometric measurements
of the football mild intellectual disabilities children athletes. It is found also the result of the differences
on the anthropometric measurements of the football mild intellectual disabilities children athletes with
the normal football athletes, the leg length of the normal football athletes is (longer) than the football
disabled child athletes and the arm length of the football disabled child athletes is (lower) than the
normal football athletes since it has the significant value (p < 0.05). There are no significant differences
in the anthropometric measurements of the football mild intellectual disabilities children athletes from
SLB N Pembina Yogyakarta with the non-athletes mild intellectual disabilities children since it is
obtained the significance value (p > 0.05).
Keywords: Anthropometric Measurements, Athlete, Mild Intellectual Disabilities, Football

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