Deni Purwani,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui partisipasi masyarakat dalam berolahraga di sarana dan
prasarana olahraga Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Partisipasi masyarakat
ditinjau dari variabel terdiri dari kebutuhan, manfaat dan sikap. Variabel kebutuhan terdiri dari indikator
kesehatan, rekreasi dan prestasi. Variabel manfaat terdiri dari indikator kekuasaan, persahabatan dan
kepuasan sedangkan variabel sikap terdiri dari indikator keterlibatan dalam klub olahraga, keterlibatan
pertandingan olahraga dan kebiasaan berpartisipasi.
Penelitian ini berupa deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survei atau observasi. Uji coba
penelitian dilakukan di lapangan tennis indoor FIK UNY dengan sampel sebanyak 20 orang.
Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket/kuesioner. Uji validasi menggunakan teknik korelasi Pearson
Product Moment untuk uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach dengan nilai 0,934. Teknik
pengambilan sampel dengan cara accidental sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 orang di semua
unit yang menyediakan sarana olahraga di Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Teknis analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan prosentase.
Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa dampak sarana olahraga terhadap partisipasi masyarakat di
FIK UNY memiliki kategori tinggi sebanyak 52 atau sebesar 57,8%. Ditinjau dari variabel kebutuhan
berada pada kategori rendah sebanyak 45 atau sebesar 50%. Ditinjau dari variabel kebutuhan untuk
indikator kesehatan berkategori tinggi sebanyak 54 atau sebesar 60%, indikator rekreasi berkategori tinggi
sebanyak 48 atau sebesar 53,3%, indikator prestasi berkategori rendah sebanyak 60 atau sebesar 66,7%.
Ditinjau dari variabel manfaat berada pada kategori tinggi sebanyak 39 atau sebesar 43,3%. Ditinjau dari
variabel manfaat untuk indikator kekuasaan berkategori rendah sebanyak 50 atau sebesar 55,6%,
indikator persahabatan berkategori tinggi sebanyak 47 atau sebesar 52,2%, indikator kepuasan berkategori
tinggi sebanyak 51 atau sebesar 56,7%. Ditinjau dari variabel sikap berada pada kategori tinggi sebanyak
48 atau sebesar 53,3%. Ditinjau dari variabel sikap untuk indikator keterlibatan dalam klub olahraga
berkategori tinggi sebanyak 47 atau sebesar 52,2%, indikator keterlibatan pertandingan olahraga
berkategori tinggi sebanyak 58 atau sebesar 64,4%, pada indikator kebiasaan berpartisipasi berkategori
rendah sebanyak 55 atau sebesar 61,1%.
Kata Kunci: Sarana Olahraga, Partisipasi Masyarakat, Olahraga
Pengaruh Sarana dan Prasarana.. (Deni Purwani) 2
Deni Purwani
This research had an intention to determine the effect of sports facilities and infrastructure on the
public participation in doing sports at the Sports Science Faculty, Yogyakarta State University. The
public participation in terms of variables consisted of the need, benefits and attitudes. Variable
requirements consisted of indicators of health, recreation and achievements. Variable of benefits
consisted of indicators of power, friendship and satisfaction while attitudinal variables consisted of
indicators involvement in sports clubs, sport events, and frequency of participation.
This research was a descriptive quantitative with survey method or observation. The research trial
was conducted at the indoor tennis court of FIK UNY with the sample for about 20 people. The data
collection was using questionnaires. The validation test was using Pearson Product Moment correlation
techniques while for the reliability test was using Cronbach Alpha formula with a value of 0.934. The
sampling technique employed accidental sampling method with a sample size of 90 people in all the units
that provided sports facilities at the Sports Science Faculty, Yogyakarta State University. The data
analysis was using descriptive analysis with percentages.
The results of the study elaborated that the effect of sports facilities and infrastructure on the
public participation in doing sports at Sports Science Faculty, Yogyakarta State University was in various
categories. In the very high category, there were 52 people or as much as 57.8%. Judging from the
variable of needs, it was in the low category by 45 people or at 50%. Judging from the variable of needs
for the health indicators, it was in the high category by 54 people or at 60%, for the recreation indicators,
it was in the high category by 48 people or at 53.3%, for the indicator of achievement, it was in the low
category by 60 people or at 66.7%. Judging from the variable of benefit, it was in the high category as
many as 39 people or at 43.3%. Judging from the variable of benefits for the power indicator, it was in the
low category by 50 people or at 55.6%, for the indicator of friendship, it was in the high category as much
as 47 people or at 52.2%, for the indicator of satisfaction, it was categorized in the very high category by
51 people or at 56.7%. Judging from the attitude variable, it was in the high category by 48 people or at
53.3%. Judging from the attitude variable for the indicator of involvement in the health club, it was in the
high category by 47 people or at 52.2%, for the indicator of the involvement in the sports games, it was in
the high category by 58 people or at 64.4%, for the indicator of participation frequency, it was in the low
category as much as 55 people or at 61.1%.
Keywords: Sports Facilities and Infrastructure, Public Participation, Sports

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