Konservasi Lahan Pertanian di Desa Kalegen Kecamatan Bandongan Kabupaten Magelang The conservation of Agricultural Land in Kalegen Village, Bandongan District, Magelang Regency

Hana Rifky Puspitasari,


This research aims to determine: 1) the amount of erosion, 2) the amount of erosion that is allowed, 3) suitable conservation for land in Kalegen village, Bandongan District, Magelang Regency. This research is a descriptive research using ecological approach. Research population is all agricultural land in Kalegen. This research using purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. The sample of this research is determined by 5 sample. Technique of data collection using observation, documentation, and laboratory testing. Technique of data analyzed using USLE method to determine erosion. The results showed that: 1) erosion in unit 1 is 0,12 tons/ha/year with a soil depth of 63 cm, then this erosion include mild erosion, unit 2 is 18,07 tons/ha/year with a soil depth of 85 cm then this erosion includes medium erosion, unit 3 is 34,45 tons/ha/year with a soil depth of 95 cm then this erosion including medium erosion, unit 4 is 24894.42 tons/ha/year with a depth soil of 108 then erosion including very heavy erosion, and units 5 is 20 368, 54 tons/ha/year with a soil depth of 110 cm so the erosion including very heavy erosion, 2) permitted erosion on unit 1 is 13,08 tons/ha/year, unit 2 is 11,28 tons/ha/year, 3 units is 18 tons/ha/year, unit 4 is 14,88 tons/ha/year, and units 5 is 20,40 tons/ha/year, 3) Unit 1 does not require conservation. Conservation in unit 2 which is making good bench terraces which have constant of 0,20 and can be planted with wetland paddy that have constant of 0,010, unit 3 is cassava gulud terracing which has constant of 0,06 and can be planted with wetland paddy which has a constant of 0,010, unit 4 is making uninterrupted forests have constants of 0.01 and can be planted with shrubs that have Albizia chinensis the constant 0,012, and unit 5 is the forest without undergrowth 0,05 with litter and planted with Albizia chinensis and shrubs with constant of 0,012

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