Amkan Majda,


Penelitian ini (1) mendeskripsikan strategi pengembangan kerjasama DOES University dengan dunia industri kreatif digital, (2) mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk pengembangan kerjasama antara DOES University dengan dunia industri digital, dan (3) mendeskripsikan faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam pengembangan kerjasama DOES University dengan dunia industri kreatif digital. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) strategi komunitas pendidikan DOES University dalam pengembangan kerjasama dengan dunia industri kreatif digital selama ini memiliki cara tersendiri, antara lain (a) ketertarikan dunia industri kreatif atas hasil output DOES University, (b) kerjasama yang dilakukan lebih ke arah industri yang datang dan menawarkan kerjasama, (c) selalu mendekatkan dengan industri kreatif digital, (d) selalu menyesuaikan materi yang diajarkan dan dibutuhkan bagi para siswa nanti, (e) melakukan pendekatan kedua belah pihak untuk saling mengembangkan kerjasama, (f) memperbarui pengetahuan Teknologi dan Informatika. (2) Adapun bentuk kerjasama yang telah dihasilkan bagi DOES University dengan pelaku industri kreatif antara lain (a) sebuah project yang dikerjakan DOES University sebagai sub studio yang bersifat pembelajaran dan mendukung sumberdaya keuangan (b) pelaku industri datang memberikan informasi dan meminta lulusan dengan standar kompetensi yang diinginkan industri. (3) Faktor yang mendukung sebagai berikut, (a) kapasitas alumni meningkatkan eksistensi serta reputasi DOES University, (b) kepercayaan orangtua siswa dari tahun ke tahun semakin tinggi, (c) peran Founder DOES University sebagai publicfigure, (d) DOES University memiliki sosial media berupa channel youtube dan instagram sebagai media penyampain informasi. Hambatan yang terjadi hanya pernah mengalami ketidaksesuaian standar kompetensi siswa dengan standar industri yang diinginkan.


Kata kunci: Strategi, Pengembangan, Kerjasama


This study describes (1) to describe the development strategy of DOES University collaboration with the world of digital creative industries, (2) to describe the forms of developing cooperation between DOES University and the digital industry world, and (3) to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in the development of DOES University collaboration with the world of digital creative industries. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection is done by the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that: (1) DOES University's educational community strategy in developing collaboration with the world of digital creative industries so far has its own ways, including (a) interest in the creative industry world over DOES University outputs, (b) collaboration carried out more towards industries that come and offer cooperation, (c) always get closer to the digital creative industry, (d) always adjust the material taught and needed for students later, (e) approach both parties to develop mutual cooperation, (f) update knowledge Technology and Informatics. (2) The forms of collaboration that have been generated for DOES University with creative industry players include (a) a project undertaken by DOES University as a sub studio that is learning and supports financial resources (b) industry players come to provide information and ask graduates with standards the desired competency of the industry. (3) Supporting factors are as follows, (a) the capacity of alumni to increase the existence and reputation of DOES University, (b) the trust of parents of students from year to year is higher, (c) the role of DOES University Founders as public figures, (d) DOES University has social media in the form of youtube and instagram channels as media for delivering information. Barriers that occur only have experienced a mismatch of student competency standards with the desired industry standards.

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