Andika Irfan Fadhlurrohman,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi komponen program Diklat Tunas Unggul Handayani Kabupaten Gunungkidul yang terdiri dari: Konteks,Masukan, Proses, dan Hasil. Penelitian ini menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; 1) Komponen konteks Latar belakang, tujuan, dan sasaran diklat berdasarkan skor dikategorikan baik. Tujuan diadakanya program diklat yaitu sebagai upaya peningkatan kompetensi masyarakat Kab. Gunungkidul. 2) Komponen masukan terkait kurikulum sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta, terkait penyelenggaraan dan pengajar baik, Perlu diperjelas untuk kualifikasi dan kompetensinya dilengkapi dengan sertifikat pelatihan, pembiayaan sudah di kelola secara transparan kemudian sarana dan prasarana pendukung sudah baik tetapi perlu ditingkatkan kelengkapannya. 3) Komponen proses terkait pelaksanaan diklat secara metode media pembelajaran sudah baik, pengorganisasian terkait persiapan dan pelaksanaan terstruktur dengan baik, hanya evaluasi yang dilakukan belum secara menyeluruh dan terstruktur.

4) Komponen produk terkait hasil diklat ketercapaian tujuan yaitu peningkatan secara  kompetensi baik akademik maupun non akademik.

       Kata Kunci: evaluasi program, tunas unggul handayani, program diklatAbstract

This study aims to evaluate the components of the Tunas Unggul Handayani Training Program in Gunungkidul Regency, which consists of Context, Input, Process, and Results.This study uses the CIPP evaluation model.

The results showed that; 1) The context component of the background, objectives, and goals of the education and training based on scores is categorized as good. The purpose of the education and training program is as an effort to increase the competence of the people of Kab. Gunungkidul. 2) Input components related to the curriculum following the needs of participants, related to the organization and good instructors. It needs to be clarified for qualifications and competencies, completed with training certificates, financing has been managed transparently and supporting facilities and infrastructure are good but need to be improved. 3) Process components related to the implementation of education and training methods are already good learning media, organizing related preparation and implementation is well structured, only the evaluation is not done thoroughly and structured. 4) Product components related to the results of the education and training achievement of the objectives namely competency improvement both academic and non-academic.

        Keywords: Program Evaluation, Tunas Unggul Handayani, Education and Training Program

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