Aulia Rachmah,



Penelitian  pada  tugas  akhir  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mendeskripsikan  peran   pelaksanaan perpustakaan  keliling  Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan DIY di sekolah dasar yang berada di Kabupaten Sleman  untuk  meningkatkan  Gerakan  Literasi  Sekolah (GLS)  dan  kendala-kendala  yang  dihadapi  dalam  pelaksanaan  perpustakaan  keliling yang dilaksanakan oleh   LPMP  DIY. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini meliputi: ketua pelaksana perpustakaan keliling, koordinator pelaksana perpustakaan keliling, petugas perpustakan keliling, dan pengunjung perpustakaan keliling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif model Miles and Huberman yang terdiri dari kondensasi data, pengujian data, dan penarikan kesimpulanHasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran perpustakaan keliling dikaji melalui tiga aspek yaitu fasilitator, mediator, dan motivator menunjukkan bahwa peran perpustakaan keliling sebagai pemberian informasi dan pelayanan perpustakaan, sebagai penyedia media dalam pelaksanaan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS), serta pemberian motivasi melalui kegiatan literasi. Kendala dalam penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu kendala internal serta eksternal. Adapun kendala internal meliputi: a) Jadwal petugas perpustakaan keliling, b) keterbatasan dalam pendanaan. Sedangkan kendala eksternal dalam pelaksanaan perpustakaan keliling terdiri atas:  a) jumlah siswa dan koleksi buku yang tidak sesuai, b) banyaknya buku yang hilang, c) koordinasi waktu.


Kata kunci: perpustakaan keliling, Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS)



The purpose of this research are first, to know the role of mobile library provided by Institute of Education Quality Assurance or LPMP in Yogyakarta in elementary school located in Sleman to increase School Literacy Program or well known as School literacy program. Second, to find out the obstacles which are faced by LPMP in Yogyakarta to carry out this program. The type of this research is descriptive using qualitative approach. This research conducted LPMP in Yogyakarta. There are several source of data that used in this research, there are ; Head of the library, executive coordinator of the library, the staff and also the visitor of the library. For analyze the data, I use interactive model from Miles and Huberman which consists of data reduction, data testing and conclusion. The result of this research assessed through three aspects (as a facilitator, as a motivator, and as a mediator) to indicate the role of the mobile library. The result show that the role of mobile library first, as a media to give informations about the School literacy program. Second, to give motivation to the students in the elementary school to support the School literacy Program. Other than that, I also found the obstacles while conducting this program. The obstacles are divided into two; from external and internal. First, from the internal, the obstacles are (a) the schedule of the staff of the library, and (b) the limited funds to run the mobile library. Second, from the external, (a) the books in the library is less than the number of the students, (b) some students did not return the book therefore the book is getting lesser and some are missing, also (c) time allocation for the students to lend the book.


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