Grita Ratriana Melinda,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan secara lebih mendalam tentang kontrol emosi pada mahasiswa yang memiliki tipe kepribadian introvert di Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah tiga mahasiswa aktif di Yogyakarta, cenderung memiliki tipe kepribadian introvert, memasuki masa remaja akhir (berusia 18-22 tahun), memiliki kontrol emosi yang unik, dan merupakan mahasiswa rantau. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa gambaran kondisi emosi ketiga subjek dilatarbelakangi oleh masalah latar belakang keluarga dan kurangnya keterampilan sosial; dampak positif akibat kontrol emosi ketiga subjek adalah perasaan lega dan respon dari teman berupa empati, perhatian, dan penguatan; dampak negatif akibat kontrol emosi ketiga subjek adalah penyesalan, tubuh sakit, tidak disukai teman, memancing kesalahpahaman, barang-barang rusak, malu, membenci dunia luar, menjadi malas; upaya-upaya subjek untuk meningkatkan kontrol emosi yaitu mengurangi kebiasaan berperilaku merusak, belajar berhenti mengumbar sesuatu di media sosial, meningkatkan kualitas ibadah, dan belajar terbuka dengan teman.

Kata kunci: kontrol emosi, tipe kepribadian introvert


This study aims to deeply describe about the emotional control of students who have introverted personality type in Yogyakarta. The subjects are those who are active students in Yogyakarta, have introverted personality types, at the phase of late adolescence (18-22 years old), have unique emotional control, and overseas students. Methods of data collection are interviews, observations, and filed notes method. The results of this research are the picture of the three subjects on emotional condition are triggered by family backgrounds and lack of social skills; positive impact from emotional control on the three subjects are the feeling of relief and get other responses such as empathy, attention, and reinforcement from friends; negative impacts from emotional control of the three subjects are the feeling of regrets, had some pains on certain body parts, being disliked by their friends, often encounter some misunderstandings, have destructive behaviour, feeling of shame, hate the outside world, and becoming lazy; The three subjects have a motivation to improve their emotional control by reducing their habit of destructive behaviour, learning to stop indulging in social media, improving their quality of worship, and learning to be more open with friends.

Keywords: emotional control, introvert personality type

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