Abdurrahman Haqiqi,



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media permainan ular tangga untuk layanan bimbingan dan konseling bagi siswa kelas VII. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model yang diadaptasi dari Borg & Gall dengan 9 tahapan. Subjek penelitian 31 siswa kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir yang ditentukan dengan teknik random sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah skala, observasi dan wawancara. Validasi penelitian melibatkan 1 dosen ahli media, 1 dosen ahli materi, 2 praktisi dan siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan media permainan ular tangga untuk layanan bimbingan dan konseling bagi siswa dikategorikan “Layak” berdasarkan penilaian instrumen, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penilaian ahli media dengan persentase skor 100%, ahli materi dengan persentase skor 88%, praktisi BK dengan persentase skor 97,22% dan uji coba dengan siswa (1) Uji coba lapangan awal dengan hasil persentase skor 90,34%. (2) Uji coba lapangan utama dengan hasil persentase skor 96,30%. (3) Uji coba lapangan operasional dengan hasil persentase skor 97,87%.


Kata kunci: media permainan ular tangga, layanan bimbingan dan konseling


            This study aimed to develop the snake and ladders game as media for guidance and counseling services for Grade VII students. This was a research and development study using the model adapted from Borg and Gall consisting of 9 stages. The research subjects were 31 students of Grade VII of the junior high school Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir, selected by means of the random sampling technique. The data were collected by a scale, observations, and interviews. The validation involved 1 lecturer as a media expert, 1 lecturer as a materials expert, 2 practitioners, and students. The results of the study showed that the snakes and ladders game as media for guidance and counseling services for students was appropriate based on the assessment through the instrument, observations and interviews. The result of the assessment by the media expert percentage a score of 100% that by the materials expert percentage a score of 88% that by the guindace and counseling practitioners percentage a score of 97,22% and those by the students in the tryouts were as follows: (1) in the preliminary field tryout it percentage a score of 90,34%, (2) I the main field tryout it percentage a score of 96,30% and (3) in the operational field tryout it percentage a score of 97,87%.    

Keywords: snakes and ladders game as media, Guidance and counseling services

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