Anisa Cony Puspitasari,


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui reduksi perilaku menyontek siswa kelas VII B di SMP N 2 Patuk menggunakan assertive training.Penelitian ini menggunakanjenis penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VII B SMPN 2 Patuk yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Setiap siklusnya mengacu pada perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Proses pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini melalui observasi,wawancara, dan skala perilaku menyontek. Validitas data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan validitas constrak. Reliabilitas skala perilaku menyontek diuji menggunakan Alpha Crobach. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik kualitatif dan kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa assertive training sebagai teknik bimbingan di SMP dapat mereduksi perilaku menyontek siswa. Teknik assertive training sendiri terdiri dari pemahaman mengenai peerilaku menyontek, dampak dari perilaku menyontek, teknik assertive training, mengidentifikasi perilaku menyontek yang pernah dilakukan siswa, bermain peran, serta diskusi. Keberhasilan reduksi perilaku menyontek ini dapat dilihat dari hasil skala perilaku menyontek siswa dimana pada paska nilai rata-rata siswa 78,25 yang termasuk dalam kategori sedang, setelah dilaksanakannya siklus I nilai rata-rata siswa mash sedang akan tetapi mengalami reduksi yaitu 66,56 dengan rata-rata prosentase 15,04%, dan siklus II rata-rata sebesar 50,20 yang termasuk kedalam kategori rendah, dengan prosentase reduksi sebesar 20,69%. Penelitian dihentikan sampai siklus II karena sudah mencapai batas indicator, dimana sudah 75% siswa yang mengalami reduksi kedalam kategori rendah, dimana skor berada dibawh 60.
Kata kunci: perilaku menyontek, assertive training, siswa SMP
This study aims to determine the reduction of cheating behavior in class VII B SMP N 2 Patuk using assertive training.This study menggunakanjenis classroom action research with the research subjects were students of class VII B SMP 2 Patuk totaling 30 students. Each cycle refers to the planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The process of taking data in this research through observation, interviews, and the scale of cheating behavior. The validity of the data used in this study using constrak validity. Cheating behavior scale reliability was tested using the Alpha Crobach. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative techniques.The results showed that the assertive training as technical guidance on the SMP can reduce student cheating behavior. Assertive technique training itself consists of an understanding of peerilaku cheat, the impact of cheating behavior, assertive training techniques, identifying the behavior of cheating ever undertaken students, role play, and discussion. The success of this cheating behavior reduction can be seen from the results of student cheating behavior scale at which post average value of 78.25 students are included in the category of being, after the implementation of the first cycle students' average score was but the mash is reduced, namely 66.56 with the average percentage of 15.04%, and the second cycle average of 50.20 were included into the category lower, with the percentage of reduction of 20.69%. The study was stopped until the second cycle because it has reached the limit indicator, which has 75% of students who experienced a reduction into the low category, in which scores are dibawh 60.
Keywords: cheating behavior, assertive training, junior high school students

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