Ermawaty Puspitaningrum,




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan alat ukur harga diri yang memenuhi persyaratan validitas dan reliabilitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Subjek yang digunakan yaitu ahli yang berkompeten (expert) dan siswa SMP, pengambilan subjek dengan random sampling. Teknik analisis data untuk validitas isi adalah pendapat ahli yang berkompeten (expert judgement) dan untuk menghitung validitas item digunakan teknik korelasi item-total product moment pearson dan untuk menghitung koefisien reliabilitas menggunakan teknik analisis alfa cronbach sedangkan data kualitatif hasil penilaian ahli dan 30 siswa SMP berupa masukan, saran dan kritik serta tanggapan dideskripsikan sesuai data yang ada Hasil validasi ahli menjukkan bahwa Alat Ukur Harga Diri telah layak digunakan setelah sebelumnya dilakukan beberapa revisi sesuai saran dan secara keseluruhan dinyatakan memenuhi validitas isi. Uji coba tahap I pada 30 siswa SMP menunjukkan bahwa setiap item mudah dipahami. Dan hasil uji statistik menunjukkan 20 item dengan koefisien reliabilitas 0,790. Uji coba tahap II dilakukan pada 90 siswa SMP, hasil statistik menunjukkan 20 item dengan koefisien 0,761. Item-item tersebut kemudian direvisi dan dilakukan uji ahli (expert judgement) kembali. Setelah dilakukan uji ahli yang ke-2 maka dinyatakan alat ukur harga diri layak digunakan kepada siswa SMP. Format final alat ukur harga diri siswa SMP ini menghasilkan 20 item valid dan reliabel sehingga layak digunakan sebagai instrumen.


Kata kunci: inventori, alat ukur harga diri, siswa SMP





This study aims to produce a measure of self-esteem that meets the requirements of validity and reliability. This research is a development research. Subjects used were competent experts and junior high school students, taking subjects with random sampling. Data analysis technique for content validity is the opinion of competent experts (expert judgment) and to calculate the validity of items used item-total correlation techniques of Pearson product moment and to calculate the reliability coefficient using Cronbach alpha analysis techniques while the qualitative data from expert assessment and 30 junior high students in the form of inputs, suggestions and criticisms and responses are described according to the available data. The results of expert validation indicate that the Accuracy is appropriate to be used after several revisions have been made according to the suggestion and overall stated to fulfill the content validity. Phase I trials of 30 junior high school students showed that each item was easy to understand. And the results of statistical tests showed 20 items with a reliability coefficient of 0.790. Phase II trials were conducted on 90 junior high school students, the statistical results showed 20 items with a coefficient of 0.761. These items were then revised and expert judgment was returned. After the second expert test, a self-esteem measuring instrument is appropriate to be used by junior high school students. The final format of this junior high school student self-esteem measuring instrument produces 20 valid and reliable items that are suitable for use as instruments.


Keywords: inventory, self-esteem measuring instrument, junior high school students

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