Improving the Writing Ability of Grade VIII Students at SMP N 2 Gamping Through Portfolio AsseSSMENT

Asfar Arif Nurharjanto, , Indonesia


This research was aimed at improving the writing ability of grade VIII students at SMP N 2 Gamping  using Portfolio assessment.  This research was action research consisting of two cycles. The steps of the research were reconnaissance, planning, action and observation, and reflection. The subjects of the research were 32 students of class VIII F of SMP N 2 Gamping. The first cycle consisted of three meetings and the second cycle consisted of two meetings. The researcher worked together with the teacher, the students and the collaborator to gain the data. The data were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data.  The data were gained from observation, interview and students’ scores. The data were in the form of field notes, interview transcript, photographs and students’ scores. The data validity was completed by applying democratic, outcome, process, dialogic and catalytic validity. The data reliability was gained from time triangulation and research triangulation.  The results of the research show that the use of portfolio assessment improved the students’ writing ability. The portfolio assessment was implemented through the writing steps. In each step, the students were asked to write and store their works in the portfolio so that it helped them collect and track their writing progress. Then, their works were given the feedbacks and comments so that they could revise them and write better so that in the end their writing ability was improved. Based on the data, the students made significant improvements in writing. Through portfolio assessment, the students could develop their motivation and self-awareness in writing. The research findings also show that the students’ mean score in writing improved from 62.5 to 68.

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