Improving the Speaking Skill of VIII E Students in SMP Negeri 1 Muntilan Through Information-Gap Activities

Atik Dhamayanti, , Indonesia


This action research study was aimed at improving the speaking skill of VIII E students in SMP Negeri 1 Muntilan academic year 2015/2016 through information-gap activities. This action research study was conducted in two cycles. The first cycle consisted of four meetings while the second five meetings. The actions carried out in the research were using classroom English during the teaching and learning process, engaging the students in pre-communicative activities, involving them in information-gap activities, encouraging them to consult their dictionaries and vocabulary note book, setting a fun learning atmosphere and appreciating the students’ participation and achievement. The data were qualitative and quantitative in nature. The qualitative data during the research process collected through observing the teaching and learning process, having interviews with the students and research collaborators, distributing open questions to the students, and asking the students to make some learning journals. The instruments used to collect those data were observation checklist, interview guidelines, and open-ended questions sheets. Data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification were used to analyze the qualitative data. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were obtained by assessing the students’ speaking performances by using an assessment rubric. The research results show that the students’ speaking skill was improved through involving the students in information-gap activities. The improvements were mainly on their speaking fluency, interactive skill, and vocabulary mastery. The grouping technique used in conducting the activities supported the students’ speaking skill improvement as it enabled the students to stimulate each other to speak up. As a result, in general, all students were more confident to practice to speak in English

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