Improving Students’ Listening Skills Using Videos for the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 1 Sleman in the Academic Year of 2015/2016

Setya Adi Yuwana, , Indonesia


This research is aimed to improve the students’ listening skill for the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Sleman through the use of videos. Videos are one of the effective listening materials because they make it interesting for the students to join the teaching and learning activity of listening and they provide more assistance to the students to understand the context of the situations that they convey. This research was action research that consisted of three cycles with two meetings in each cycle. The subjects of this research were the researcher, the collaborator, and the students of class VIII D which consisted of 32 students. In this research, there were two kinds of data, namely quantitative data and qualitative data. To obtain the qualitative data, the researcher conducted observation and interviews. The qualitative data were in the form of field notes and interview transcripts. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were in the form of the students’ test scores obtained by conducting Test 1 in the end of Cycle I, Test 2 in the end of Cycle II and Test 3 in the end of Cycle III. The  findings  of  this  research  show  that  the  use  of  the  videos  can improve the students’ listening skill. In reference to the students’ listening scores, the students’ ability was improved after the videos were used as the teaching aid for the listening lesson. It can be seen from the students’ mean value increased from Test 1 to Test 2 is 10.09. Meanwhile, from Test 2 to Test 3 is 5.53. From the result, it can be concluded that the student’s listening skill had improved.

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