Developing Task-Based English Materials for the Tenth Graders of Automotive Engineering Study Program at SMK YAPPI Wonosari

Silvia Dayu Anggraini, , Indonesia


The objectives of this study were 1) to describe the target needs, 2) to describe the learning needs, and 3) to develop the appropriate materials for the tenth graders of automotive engineering study program at SMK YAPPI Wonosari. The type of this study was Research and Development (R n D). The subjects of this study were 80 tenth graders of automotive engineering study program and an English teacher of SMK YAPPI Wonosari, GunungKidul.  Questionnaire and interview guidelines were the instruments used to collect the data related to the students’ needs in learning English. The data from the questionnaire were calculated quantitatively and the data from the interview were analysed using the qualitative data analysis proposed by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014). Based on the results of needs analysis, the course grid was created and a draft of English materials was developed. The draft was reviewed and evaluated by the expert. The instrument to collect the data for the materials’ evaluation was questionnaire adapted from BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). The result of the need analysis showed that students preferred to have the English materials which were close to their daily life, related with their field and made them active in learning process. They also wanted the teacher become the main example before the activities in the class and the corrector of their mistakes. Based on the result of the expert judgment, the developed materials were suitable for the tenth graders of automotive engineering study program. This was shown by the mean score of 3.74 and was categorised as Very Good.

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