Developing Video-Assisted Tasks in The Learning of Listening and Speaking Skills for Grade XI Students of SMA N 1 Wates

Dimas Bayu Samudra Syaefan Bayu Samudra, , Indonesia


The objectives of this study were: 1) to describe the target and learning needs of Grade XI students of SMA N 1 Wates, and 2) to develop the appropriate listening and speaking materials for Grade XI of senior high school based on Curriculum 2013. This was a Research and Development (R&D) study. The procedure followed the materials development process proposed by Jolly and Bolitho (1998) with some adaptations in order to make the study feasible. The steps were: 1) identification of needs, 2) planning, 3) production of materials, 4) evaluation, and 5) revision. There were two types of data collection instruments used namely questionnaires which were used to collect data for need analysis and for the materials evaluation, and interview guidelines which were also used to conduct need analysis by interviewing the English teachers of SMA N 1 Wates. There were two types of data in this study: 1) quantitative data from needs analysis and expert judgment questionnaires which were analyzed quantitatively, and 2) qualitative data from the interview which were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the target and learning needs show that students wanted to improve their listening and speaking skills in comprehending and constructing both spoken texts and language functions. The developed materials are covered in the form of a textbook equipped by a video collection in a CD. The textbook contains three units each of which consists of a different number of tasks but with the same unit design. Each unit comprises four parts: introduction, main lesson, reinforcement, and fun part. The video collection in the CD is used to assist the tasks in the textbook as input for listening and speaking. The materials were evaluated in terms of the appropriateness of content, language, presentation, and layout. Based on the data conversion table, the results of the materials evaluation showed that the materials were good. The mean value of all aspects of the developed materials was 3.24, which was in the range of the “good” category, 2.5 ≤ x ≤ 3.24.

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