Andi Yosee Rivai,


This study aimed 1) to identify the target needs, learning needs and 2) to develop the appropriate English learning materials for grade VII students at SMPN 12 Magelang based on Curriculum 2013. This research was categorized as Research and Development (R&D) study. The procedures conducted within this research were adapted from the procedures of research and development proposed by Jolly and Bolitho (in Tomlinson, 1998). The procedures included the steps of 1) conducting needs analysis, 2) designing the course grid, 3) developing the first draft of the material, 4) getting the expert’s judgment, and 5) revising the final draft of the material. The result of the needs analysis identified that the grade VII students at SMPN 12 Magelang had low English proficiency and that the book currently used by the students was not enough to provide them with the guidance they need and thus, resulting in the development of the product of this research. The product of this research was English learning materials for grade VII students at SMPN 12 Magelang, entitled “Learning English”. The book consisted of three units, “I am a Student”, regarding introduction, “Now is January”, regarding days and months, and “It is Seven pm”, regarding time. The units were divided into 5 parts representing the stage of TBLT approach proposed by Nunan (2004) including 1) getting started, which represented the stages of TBLT regarding schema building, controlled practice and authentic listening practice, 2) checkpoint 1, which represented the stage of TBLT regarding focus in linguistic elements, 3) checkpoint 2, which represented the stage of TBLT regarding freer practice, 4) evaluation, which represented the stage of TBLT regarding pedagogical task, and 5) reflection.


Kata kunci: English Learning Material, TBLT, Junior High School

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