Abellia Ike Prastiwi,


There are some factors that may influence students’ achievements. One of them is their attitude towards EFL learning processes. This article aims to find out the role of students’ attitude in their achievements. To find out the role of attitude in students’ achievements, an analysis of some theories and previous related studies has been carried out.  According to the theories, people’ attitudes influence how they behave, how they think, and how they react towards something. It also applies to EFL learning processes; students who have positive attitudes tend to show positive behavior during the learning processes. Some theories also show that positive attitude is highly needed when someone wants to achieve better language proficiency. Several studies were also conducted to find out the relationship between students’ attitude and their achievements. Most of the results reveal that it has positive relationship. Students who possess positive attitude towards EFL learning processes also get better scores in their achievements. According to some theories and the results from the related studies, it can be concluded that students’ attitude plays a big role in their achievements. Therefore, students should pay attention and to maintain positive attitudes to improve their language proficiency so that they will get better achievements.


Keywords: Students’ attitude, EFL learning processes, achievements

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