Ulfah Azizi Putri,


The objectives of this research were 1) to identify the target and learning needs of eighth grade students of junior high school and 2) to develop appropriate English reading and writing supplementary materials for eighth grade students of junior high school based on Curriculum 2013. This research was a Research and Development (R&D) study. The procedures of this study were conducted by adapting the model of research and development proposed by Jolly and Bolitho (1998). The procedures of the research were 1) identifying the needs of the students by conducting need analysis, 2) writing the course grid, 3) designing the materials/first draft, 4) evaluating the materials, 5) revising and producing the final draft. The needs analysis revealed that the students felt that both reading and writing skills were important for them, however, due to the fact that most of the students lacked vocabulary mastery and had low English proficiencies, they found both reading and writing activity to be difficult. This situation led to the development of the product of this research. The product of this research was a supplementary reading-writing material for grade eighth students of junior high school entitled “Fun with English”. There were three units compiled within the materials, “Special Days”, “It is Tragic” and “Notice the Message of the Announcement”. Each unit was organized using scientific method consisting the stages of Observing & Questioning, Collecting Information, Associating, Communicating and Reflection, ranging from 15-16 tasks. Referring to the result of the expert judgment, the whole aspects within the developed materials had a mean of 3.28, thus, the developed material can be categorized as "very good”, as the mean score was positioned between the interval of 3.25 and 4 within the quantitative data conversion table by Suharto (2006).


Keywords: English reding-writing supplementary materials, scientific method, junior high school

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