Tyas Agung Pamungkas,


This research aimed to improve the speaking skills of 8 grade students of Proclamator School by using Video Recording Project in English teaching and learning process. This research was an action research which was conducted in two cycles. A total of 32 students of Class VIII G at Proclamator School participated in this study. The steps of the research were reconnaissance, planning, action and observation, and reflection. The data of this research was consisted of two types of data – qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data consisted of field notes and observation checklist which were obtained from observation and interview transcripts obtained from interviews with the English teacher and the students. Meanwhile, the quantitative data in the forms of students’ speaking scores which obtained from speaking tests (pre-test, progress-test and a post-test). To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher did data condensation, data displays, and conclusion drawing and verification. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and repeated measure ANOVA. The research validity and reliability used in this research were time triangulation, investigator triangulation, and method triangulation which covers democratic, dialogic, catalytic, process, and outcome validity. The findings of the research showed that Video Recording Project can improve the students’ speaking skill. Based on the qualitative data, the implementation of Video Recording Project had improved the students’ attention, interaction, motivation, participation, and vocabulary mastery in the teaching and learning process. The findings were supported by the quantitative data which shows the improvement on the students’ mean score which improved from 61.07 in the pre-test to 65.63 in the progress-test and became 75.36 in the post-test. Therefore, it can be concluded that Video Recording Project has successfully improved the students’ speaking skill.


Kata kunci: speaking skill, video recording project

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