Putri Sekar Wijaya,


This research was aimed at maximizing students’ writing practice using Instagram. In this research, the Instagram was used as learning media in teaching English writing for students of the grade XI MIPA 8, SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap. The use of the media was meant to promote students’ involvement in writing practice, especially writing narrative texts. This research therefore can facilitate students to study English writing individually by practicing writing some texts and uploading the texts into Instagram platform. This research is Classroom Action Research in which the stages cover planning, action, and reflection. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap, Central Java. The population of the research was the students in grade XI MIPA 8, SMA Negeri 1 Cilacap. The data were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative design to know the benefit of the Instagram in maximizing students’ writing practice. The research results revealed that Instagram could present an effective writing practice which fulfilled the students’ needs by means of showing some pictures and videos to help them to understand the text and expressed their ideas in practicing writing individually. The research findings also revealed that the students who gained 60.4 in pre-test were able to increase their score up to 76.1 in the post-test. It indicated that there was an improvement score. In conclusion, the use of Instagram was proven to be effective to maximize students’ writing practice.


Kata kunci: Classroom Action Research, writing practice, Instagram, learning media

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