Nanda Rizky Fitri Anisah,


This study is aimed to describe the target needs and learning needs of playgroup students in terms of English learning and to develop the appropriate teaching aid for playgroup students.

This study is considered as Research and Development (R&D) and used models by Plomp (1997). The research was conducted at PAUD Rhoudhatul Jannah and the respondents were three main teachers of the school. The researcher collected the data by observing the learning process and conducting interviews with the teachers after distributing the needs analysis questionaires.The instruments for collecting the data were questionnaires and interviews guideline; needs analysis purposes and the evaluation.

The results of the data collection were analysed quantitatively using the descriptive statistics. Based on the needs analysis, the children were expected to develop their positive attitude towards English and be able to know some vocabularies from the topics provided. Learning from the target needs, the researcher found that the students need other media besides book. The students also prefer to learn vocabularies through picture and song. The products of this research were a sounding poster and the manual. Those are developed based on the needs of the students for learning English. The findings show that the teaching aid for teaching English has met good characteristics. It is indicated by the mean score of the expert judgments for the material and media aspects. The total mean score for media aspect is 3.12 which is considered as good while the total mean score of the teacher’s book is 3, which is in good category. The result of expert judgment indicates that the developed product is categorized as good or appropriate for playgroup.


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