Luthfiarani Aurunisa,


The objective of this study was to improve the 7th grade students’ interaction in the English teaching and learning process in SMPN 2 Kalasan through the Functional Communication Activities (FCA) technique.

This study was action research. The subjects of the study were the 7th grade students of SMPN 2 Kalasan in academic year 2017/2018. This study adapted by the model of research procedure proposed by Lodico (2010). The steps of this study were reflecting and identifying the problem, gathering data, reviewing the literature, identifying the collaborators and creating a plan of action, carrying out the action plan (conducting the Cycle 1 and Cycle 2), analyzing the data, and forming tentative conclusions. The data were collected using interviews, observations, and field notes.

The results of the study showed developmental changes made by the students their interaction in the class due to the implementation of FCA technique. This technique also helped to improve the students’ motivation, participation, contribution, and cooperation.


Keywords: improving, interaction, functional communication activities

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