Renitta Listia Effendy, , Indonesia


The objective of this research was to improve the speaking skills of grade X  students  of  SMAN  2  Sleman   through  the  use  of  jigsaw  technique  in  the academic year of 2017/2018. It was conducted based on some problems identified in the process of teaching and learning speaking in class the jigsaw technique  as the solution of the problems.

This research was categorized as action research. It was conducted in two cycles. This research involved 32 students of class X MIA 2 of SMAN 2 Sleman Yogyakarta in the academic year of 2017/2018 as the subject. The data were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data were obtained through observation,  interviews, documentation, and  discussion  with  the  collaborators  about  the  process  of  the  teaching  and learning of speaking. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were collected from the pre-test score, speaking tasks, and post-test score. The validity of the data was measured by applying the democratic validity, dialogic validity, catalytic validity, process validity, and outcome validity.

The findings showed  that Jigsaw technique  was effective  in improving students’ speaking skills. This technique within the supplementary actions also improved the teaching and learning process in class. It provided much opportunity for the students to practice speaking in order to speak fluently and confidently. The findings also revealed that the mean score of the students’ speaking performance increased from 49 in the pre-test to 62 in the post-test with the gain score 13. From five targets of the speaking aspects, the significant improvement was on the vocabulary mastery and comprehension. The result of the test also showed better improvement on students’ fluency and grammar. However, the improvement on thestudents’ pronunciation  was  did not increased significantly.

Keywords: Jigsaw technique, speaking skill

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