Juwita Imaningtyas,


This study focuses on developing film-based listening and speaking
materials for grade XI students of senior high schools. The objectives are: 1) to
identify the target and learning needs of grade XI students, 2) to identify the
process of developing the appropriate materials, 3) to develop the appropriate
film-based listening and speaking materials for grade XI students of senior high
schools.This study is a research and development (R&D) study. The data in needs
analysis were collected by using a needs analysis questionnaire and through
interviews. The needs analysis questionnaire was distributed to 26 grade XI
students of SMA Negeri 1 Temanggung. Another questionnaire was used to
evaluate the materials through expert judgment. The results of the questionnaires
were analyzed quantitatively and the results of the interviews were analyzed
qualitatively. The result shows that the steps in the materials development process
were conducting a needs analysis, developing a course grid, producing the
materials, evaluating the materials through expert judgment and revising the
materials. The results of needs analysis are related to lacks, wants, necessities,
goal, activities, teacher role, learner role, and setting. Based on the results of
materials evaluation, the materials were categorized as “very good” as it has the
mean value of 3.91 which means that the materials are appropriate to be used as
listening and speaking materials for grade XI students of senior high schools. The
developed materials consist of three units, each of which consists of five parts:
introduction, main lesson, reinforcement, summary, and reflection. There are 13-
14 tasks in each unit. The short films are used as input for the listening and
speaking tasks in the materials.

Keywords: film-based materials, listening, speaking

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