Improving Writing Ability Using Mind Mapping Technique for the Eleventh Grade Students at SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan in the Academic Year of 2016 / 2017

Annisa Satriani Dewi, , Indonesia
Margana --, , Indonesia


This research is aimed to improve students’ writing ability in writing analytical exposition texts using mind mapping technique for the eleventh grade at SMA Negeri 1 Kalasan. This research is categorized as classroom action research. The research was conducted in two cycles. The results of the research showed that the implementation of mind mapping technique in the teaching and learning process of writing was believed to be effective and successful to improve students’ writing ability supported by the following statements. First, mind mapping technique helps students in bringing out the ideas, developing the ideas, and organizing the ideas. Second, mind mapping technique promote students’ creativity in the same time. Third, it can increase students’ involvement and enthusiasm in following the process of teaching and learning of writing. Fourth, there is improvement in students’ writing achievement. Based on the quantitative data, the students’ mean score obtained in the pre-test was 47.39 and increased into 64.57 in post-test of Cycle 1 and became 70.60 in the post-test of Cycle 2. Then, the gained score from pre-test to post-test in Cycle 2 was 23.21. This means students made a significant improvement in writing analytical exposition texts.

Keywords: Mind Mapping, Writing Ability, Analytical Exposition Text 

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