Developing an English Learning Module of Pre-Departure Training for Overseas Migrant Workers (Tkw) in PT. Sanjaya Thanry Bahtera Cilacap, Central Java

Jean Fistika Theolanuary, , Indonesia
Samsul Maarif, , Indonesia


: The objectives of this research are (1) to find out the needs of the female migrant workers in PT. Sanjaya Thanry Bahtera, and (2) to develop an appropriate English learning module for the female migrant workers in PT. Sanjaya Thanry Bahtera. This study is a Research and Development (R and D) study. This study was conducted at PT. Sanjaya Thanry Bahtera Cilacap, Central Java. The research steps adopted the model proposed by Nunan in combination with Masuhara in Tomlinson. The techniques  used  in  this  study were  interview,  questionnaire,  and  observation.  The instruments  used  in  the  study  were  interview  guideline,  questionnaire  and  an observation guideline. The procedure of developing tasks in this study consisted of five steps (1) conducting need analysis, (2) writing the course grid, (3) developing the first  draft  materials, (4)  evaluating the  first  draft  materials  by an  expert,  and  (5) revising and developing the final draft of the materials. The needs of the learners were the English learning modules which were closely related to their daily activities, both in terms of the language function and the contents that is working abroad as a housemaid. The module consists of four units covering the four skills in English. Each unit of the designed materials consists of 9-12 tasks. The topic of the materials is related to communication in the workplace. The input of the materials is in the form of dialogues, short functional texts, technical terms, and genre texts. In addition, there are some  explanations  about  English  expressions  and  also  grammar.  Based  on  the findings from the evaluation, the content, the language the presentation, and the layout of the materials are appropriate. The mean score of all aspects of the developed materials was 5.00 which is categorized as “very good”.


Keywords: English learning materials, female migrant workers

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