Improving the Writing Skills of the Eight Grade Students through the Use of Personal Computer Game ‘Far Cry 3’ Pictures at SMPN 3 Kroya in the Academic Year of 2015/2016

Irvan Effendi, , Indonesia
Ella Wulandari, , Indonesia


This study aimed to improve the writing skill of the students of Grade VIII G of SMP Negeri 3 Kroya using pictures taken from the submenu handbook of PC Game ‘Far Cry 3’. This action research study consisted of two cycles, carried out in four sessions from April 2016 to May 2016. The researcher worked collaboratively with the English teacher and the students. The subjects of this research were 36 students of Grade VIII G of SMP Negeri 3 Kroya. The data of this study were qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data instruments were observation sheets, interview guideline, a camera and writing tests. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were obtained by assessing the students’ writing skill through a pre-test and two post-tests. Therefore, the quantitative data were the students’ writing scores. The data collected from class observations and interviews were analysed based on the qualitative data analysis model by Miles and Huberman (1994). The results of this research indicated that the use of pictures taken from submenu handbook of PC game ‘Far Cry 3’ improved the students’ skills in writing. The actions made significant improvement of the students’ writing in the aspects of content, organization, language use, vocabulary and mechanics. The actions implemented were successful in improving the students’ writing skill. The findings were supported by the means of the students’ writing score which improved from 67.03 in the pre-test to 73.88 in the post-test in Cycle I and 77.59 in Cycle II. In reference to the students’ writing scores, the students’ gain scores between pre-test and post-test II for the content is 3.56, for the organization is 1.50, for the vocabulary is 2.00, for the language use is 2.47 and for the mechanics is 0.94. Moreover, the use of pictures taken from submenu handbook of PC game ‘Far Cry 3’ was able to improve the students’ interest, motivation and attitudes toward the teaching and learning process.


Keywords: writing skills, pictures of handbook of Far Cry 3 game

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