Developing Graded Readers-Based Supplementary Reading Materials for Grade Eight Students of Junior High School

Herina Nirmala, , Indonesia
Joko Priyana, , Indonesia


The objectives of this research is to find out the reading target needs and reading learning needs of grade eight students of junior high school, and to develop appropriate supplementary reading materials for grade eight students of junior high school. The nature of this research was Research and Development (R&D). The subjects of this study were 29 students of grade eight at SMPN 8 Yogyakarta. This research was conducted by following Jolly and Bolitho’s model of materials development (1998) and Masuhara’s model of course design (1998) with some modification. The steps of this study were conducting needs analysis, developing the syllabus, developing the first draft of the materials, evaluating the materials and revising the materials. The types of the data were qualitative and quantitative. The instruments for the qualitative data collection were interview guidelines and that for the quantitative data collection were two questionnaires for the needs analysis and for the evaluation of the supplementary reading materials. The qualitative data were analysed by following Burns’ model of data analysis (2010) while the quantitative data were analysed by percentages and Sugiyono’s rating scale (2011). This study developed three units of supplementary reading materials. The materials were developed based on Curriculum 2013 and extensive reading framework. The units have three main parts, i.e. Introduction, Main Lesson and Reinforcement. Based on the result of the expert judgement, the mean score of the whole aspects of the developed materials was 3.47 which was in the range of 3.21 ≤     ≤ 4.00 and categorized as ‘Very Appropriate’.

Keywords: extensive reading tasks, supplementary materials, reading

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