Developing Reading Learning Materials for Grade X Students of Audio-Video Engineering Program at SMKN 1 PUNDONG

Fitriana Munawaroh, , Indonesia


The objective of this research was to develop appropriate reading learning materials for grade X students of Audio-Video Engineering Program at SMKN 1 Pundong. The steps in this research were conducting needs analysis, analyzing the results of needs analysis, designing the course grid, writing the first draft of the materials, evaluating the first draft of the materials, and writing the final draft based on the feedback from the expert. The instruments to collect data were needs analysis and expert judgment questionnaires. The result of needs analysis questionnaire was analyzed using the highest percentage while the result of expert judgment questionnaire was analyzed using qualitative description. Three units of reading materials were developed. Each unit has three main parts: introduction, main lesson, and reinforcement. Based on the expert judgment result, the developed English reading learning materials are appropriate in terms of the content, language, presentation, and layout. The mean score of all aspects is 3.1, which is categorized as “good” and appropriate for use.


Keywords: reading learning materials, Audio-Video Engineering Program

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