Developing Speaking English Learning Materials for Grade X Students of Fashion Study Program in SMKN 1 Depok, Sleman Based on Curriculum 2013

Anggi Sekartiningrum, , Indonesia


The objectives of this study are to identify the target needs and the learning needs of grade X students of Fashion Study Program at SMKN 1 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta, and to develop appropriate English speaking materials for the tenth grade students of fashion study program at SMKN 1 Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The study belongs to Research and Development (R&D). The steps of the study were conducting needs analysis, writing the syllabus, developing the first draft of the materials, conducting expert judgment, and writing the final draft. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaires. There were two questionnaires distributed in the research: 1) needs analysis questionnaire, and 2) expert judgment questionnaire. This study involved 31 Grade X fashion study program students as the research subjects and an evaluator for the expert judgment. The needs analysis questionnaire was distributed to the students to identify the target needs and the learning needs, while the expert judgment questionnaire was used to evaluate the materials. The data from the needs analysis questionnaire were analyzed using frequency and percentage, while the data obtained from the expert judgment questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research developed three units of Speaking English learning materials for grade X students of the Fashion Study Program. There were 17 tasks in each unit that were organized into Lead-in, Main Lesson which comprises of Observing, Questioning, Collecting data, Analyzing Data, Communicating, Creating, and Reinforcement which includes Fun Space, Word Bank, and Self-reflection. Pictures, simple dialogues, and questions were the preferred input texts. The preferred activities in the materials were practicing dialogues in pairs and role-playing. For pronunciation, the preferred input was listening to the way how selected words are pronounced and imitating them. The setting for the materials was in pairs and groups with role-play activities conducted outside of the classroom. The activities allowed students to be active participants, who not only responded to the explanations and questions from the teacher, but also provided suggestions, criticisms, and feedback to the teacher while the teacher was expected to be a facilitator that helped students learn in the class. Based on the result from the expert judgment, the content, language, presentation, and layout of the materials were appropriate as shown by the mean value 3.76.


Key words: Speaking skills, Fashion study program, curriculum 2013

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