Luthfi Malail Khusna, , Indonesia
Triyanto, M.A Triyanto, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran membuat macam-macam
tusuk hias menggunakan aplikasi Prezi untuk siswa kelas X Tata Busana di SMK Diponegoro Depok Yogyakarta;
2) mengetahui kelayakan media membuat macam-macam tusuk hias menggunakan aplikasi Prezi untuk siswa
kelas X Tata Busana di SMK Diponegoro Depok Yogyakarta berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli media dan ahli
materi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development),
dengan model pengembangan 4D. Tahapan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini terdiri dari; tahap analisis,
tahap perencanaan, tahap pengembangan dan tahap penyebaran. Hasil penelitian dan pengembanga adalah : 1)
Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa produk media pembelajaran membuat macam-macam tusuk hias menggunakan
aplikasi Prezi
yang baik dan layak digunakan 4D. 2)
Kelayakan media pembelajaran membuat macam-macam
tusuk hias menggunakan aplikasi Prezi berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli media dengan rerata 3,47 termasuk dalam
kategori sangat layak,dari ahli materi 3,22 termasuk dalam kategori layak. Uji coba terbatas pada kelompok kecil
termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dengan rerata 72,5. Uji coba kelompok besar berdasarkan analisis deskriptif,
termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak dengan rerata 61,9. Media pembelajaran membuat macam-macam tusuk
hias menggunakan aplikasi Prezi layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran di SMK Diponegoro Depok

Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Aplikasi Prezi, Tusuk Hias


This study aims to: 1) yield a learning media product for making ornamental stitches using the Prezi
application for Grade X students of Fashion Design in SMK Diponegoro Depok Yogyakarta; and 2) investigate the
appropriateness of the media product for making ornamental stitches using the Prezi application for Grade X
students of Fashion Design in SMK Diponegoro Depok Yogyakarta based on the assessment by a media expert, and
by materials expert.This was a research and development study using the 4D development model. The stages in this
research and development study were: the analysis phase, the planning stage, the development stage, and the
dissemination stage. The results of the reasearch and development is : 1) The media product for making
ornamental stitches using the Prezi application product was developed is good and feasible to used. 2) The media
product for making ornamental stitches using the Prezi application appropriateness based on the assessment by the
media expert attained a mean score of 3.47, which was very appropriate category. The mean score from the
materials expert was 3.22, which was in the appropriate category. The result of the small-scale tryout was in the
very appropriate category with a mean score of 72.5. The result of the large-scale tryout based on the descriptive
analysis showed a mean score of 61.9, which was in the very appropriate category. Based on the results, it can be
concluded that the developed media are appropriate to be used as learning media at SMK Diponegoro Depok

Keywords: Development, Prezi Application, Ornamental Stitches.


Full Text:




This study aims to: 1) yield a learning media product for making ornamental stitches using the Prezi

application for Grade X students of Fashion Design in SMK Diponegoro Depok Yogyakarta; and 2) investigate the

appropriateness of the media product for making ornamental stitches using the Prezi application for Grade X

students of Fashion Design in SMK Diponegoro Depok Yogyakarta based on the assessment by a media expert, and

by materials expert.This was a research and development study using the 4D development model. The stages in this

research and development study were: the analysis phase, the planning stage, the development stage, and the

dissemination stage. The results of the reasearch and development is : 1) The media product for making

ornamental stitches using the Prezi application product was developed is good and feasible to used. 2) The media

product for making ornamental stitches using the Prezi application appropriateness based on the assessment by the

media expert attained a mean score of 3.47, which was very appropriate category. The mean score from the

materials expert was 3.22, which was in the appropriate category. The result of the small-scale tryout was in the

very appropriate category with a mean score of 72.5. The result of the large-scale tryout based on the descriptive

analysis showed a mean score of 61.9, which was in the very appropriate category. Based on the results, it can be

concluded that the developed media are appropriate to be used as learning media at SMK Diponegoro Depok


Keywords: Development, Prezi Application, Ornamental Stitches.



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