R AJ Marida Dewi Ardiarini, , Indonesia
Dr. Mutiara Nugraheni, , Indonesia


konsumen terhadap penerapan 7P Kuliner Kripik Belut Godean. Jenis penelitian merupakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei. Populasi adalah pedagang kripik belut sebanyak 25 pedagang dan sebanyak 68 konsumen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, dan dokumentasi. Uji validitas menggunakan rumus korelasi product moment, uji reliabilitas menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) penerapan 7p ditinjau dari segi tampilan fisik kategori cukup baik (68%), promosi kategori cukup baik (64%), tempat kategori baik (60%), orang kategori cukup baik (60%), proses pelayanan kategori cukup baik (60%), produk kategori baik (52%), dan harga kategori baik (52%); dan (2) tanggapan konsumen ditinjau dari segi harga kategori cukup baik (67,65%), tempat kategori baik (58,82%), produk kategori baik (55,88%), tampilan fisik kategori cukup baik (54,41%), promosi kategori sangat kurang baik (52,94%), proses pelayanan kategori cukup baik (42,65%), dan orang kategori cukup baik (38,24%).
Kata kunci: Penerapan, Pemasaran, dan Keripik Belut


This study aims to determine: 1) the implementation of 7P in eel chips culinary which covered (product, price, place, marketing, people/human resource, physical packaging and process), and 2) consumers’ response to the 7P implementation of Godean eel chips culinary. The study is a quantitative descriptive with a survey approach.The populations are eel chips sellers as many as 25 sellers and 68 customers. The techniques of collecting data were using questionnaires, and documentation. The validity was tested by using the product moment correlation formula, the reliability test was using Cronbach Alpha formula. Data were analyzed by using a quantitative descriptive analysis.The results of the research showed that (1) the implementation in terms of physical packaging is quite good (68,00%), promotion inwell category (64,00%), for the place is in a good category (60,00%), people/human resources belongs to good category(60,00%), the service is good enough (60,00%), categories of products and price have the same position in a good category (52,00%); and (2) the response of consumers in terms of price category is quite good (67.65 %), a good category of place (58,82%), category of product is good (55.88%), physical packaging is quite good category (54,41%), the marketing very poor category (52,94%), the service is quite good category (42,65%), and the human resource category is quite good (38,24%).
Keywords: Implementation, Marketing, and Eels Chips

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