Fakhriyan Sefti Adhaghassani, , Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Strategi bauran pemasaran (marketing mix)
7P yang diterapkan di Cherryka Bakery. (2) Tanggapan konsumen mengenai Strategi bauran
pemasaran (marketing mix) yang diterapkan di Cherryka Bakery. Populasi penelitian adalah
pemilik Cherryka Bakery dan konsumen yang diambil dari rata-rata konsumen Cherryka Bakery
dalam 1 bulan sebanyak 750 orang. Sampel diambil menggunakan rumus Slovin sebanyak 90
orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik insidental sampling. Hasil penelitian (1) Dari sudut pandang
pemilik Cherryka Bakery yaitu: aspek product rata-rata 3,75 kategori sangat baik, price rata-rata 4
kategori sangat baik, place rata-rata 3,3 kategori sangat baik, promotion rata-rata 2 kategori
kurang baik, people rata-rata 2,67 kategori baik, process rata-rata 3,5 kategori sangat baik,
physical evidence rata-rata 3,6 kategori sangat baik. (2) Berdasarkan tanggapan konsumen yaitu:
Aspek product rata-rata 3,34 kategori sangat baik, price rata-rata 3,13 kategori baik, place ratarata
3,21 kategori baik, promotion rata-rata 2,48 kategori kurang baik, people rata-rata 3,45
kategori sangat baik, process rata-rata 3,32 kategori sangat baik, physical evidence rata-rata 3,13
kategori baik.
Kata kunci: Strategi Bauran Pemasaran, Cherryka Bakery


This research aims to know (1) the strategy of marketing mix 7P that is used in Cherryka
Bakery (2) the consument's response about the strategy of marketing mix that is used in Cherryka
Bakery. The research's population is the owner and the consument Cherryka Bakery that is taken
by Cherryka Bakery's consument in a month as many as 750 people. The sample is taken by using
Slovin Pattern as many as 90 people that is specified by using insidental technique. The result of
this research (1) from the point of view the owner, namely : the average of product 3.75 is very
good category, the average of price 4 is very good category, the average of place 3.3 is very good
category, the average of promotion 2 is not good category, the average of people 2.76 is good
category, the average of process 3.5 is very good categories, the average of physical evidence 3.6
is very good categories (2) based on the consument's response, namely : the average of product
3.34 is very good , the average of price 3.13 is good category , the average of place 3.21 is good
category , the average of promotion 2.48 is not good category, the average of people 3.45 is good
category , the average of process 3.32 is very good category, the average of physical evidence
3.13 is good category.
Keywords: The strategy of marketing mix, Cherryka Bakery

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