Nanda Dwicahya


Sebagian besar member fitness Ros-In Hotel memliki tubuh yang kurang ideal dan kebugaran jasmani yang
kurang bagus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh latihan circuit bodyweight
terhadap kebugaran jasmani, indeks massa tubuh, persentase lemak tubuh, dan fleksibilitas member fitness Ros-In
Hotel Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan pre-experimental design dengan one-group pretest-posttest design.
Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah member dengan usia antara 19-25 tahun, aktif minimal dua bulan, dan bersedia
mengikuti latihan 18 kali pertemuan. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dengan
jumlah sampel sebanyak 10 orang. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan tes dan pengukuran. Instrumen yang
digunakan yaitu tes rockport, stadiometer, timbangan, scinfold caliper, dan sit and reach. Analisis data penilitian
menggunakan uji t untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan variabel antara pretest dan posttest pada kelompok
eksperimen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan uji t data VO2Max diperoleh nilai t hitung 3.000 > t tabel 2.262, dan
nilai p 0,015 < 0,05 maka ada peningkatan VO2Max yang signifikan. Hasil uji t IMT diperoleh nilai t hitung 6.957 >
t tabel 2.262, dan nilai p 0,000 < 0,05 maka ada penurunan berat badan yang sangat signifikan. Hasil uji t lemak
tubuh diperoleh nilai t hitung 9.221 > t tabel 2.262, dan nilai p 0,000 < 0,05 maka ada penurunan lemak tubuh yang
sangat signifikan. Hasil uji t fleksibilitas diperoleh nilai t hitung 6.332 > t tabel 2.262, dan nilai p 0,000 < 0,05
maka ada peningkatan fleksibilitas yang sangat signifikan.
Kata Kunci: bodyweight, kebugaran jasmani, indeks massa tubuh, lemak tubuh, fleksibilitas.
Most of members of fitness center in Ros-In hotel owned unideal body and poor physical fitness. This study was
aimed to identify how significant the effect of body weight circuit training was to physical fitness, body mass
index, body fat percentage, and flexibility of members of fitness center in Ros-In hotel Yogyakarta.
This study applied pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest design. Samples in this study were
members aged between 19-25 years old, active for minimally 2 months, and willing to participate in the training for
18 sessions. Sampling technique applied purposive sampling method with samples amount as many as 10 persons.
Data were collected through test and measurement. The instruments used were rockport test, stadiometer, scale,
scinfold caliper, and sit-and-reach. Data analysis applied t-test to find out any variable difference between pretest
and posttest in the experiment group.
The study result identified that t-test of VO2Max data figured out t count value of 3.000 > t table of 2.262, and p
value of 0,015 < 0,05, which described a significant raise of Vo2Max. The result of t test of IMT figured out t count
value of 6.957 > t table of 2.262, and p value of 0,000 < 0,05 which described a significant body weight loss. The
result of t test of body fat figured out t count value of 9.221 > t table of 2.262, and p value of 0,000 < 0,05 which
described a significant body fat loss. The result of t test of flexibility figured out t count value of 6.332 > t table of
2.262 and p value of 0,000 < 0,05 which described a significant flexibility improvement.
Keywords : bodyweight, physical fitness, body mass index, body fat, flexibility.

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